Quickly rebuild and OpenStack VM, tricking it into extra hardware


Export VM definition to XML

sudo virsh dumpxml instance-00000879 > instance-00000879.xml

Edit the XML

Set current OS disk to IDE



Add a fake disk attached to virtIO bus so we can see the 'unkonwn device' in Windows and install a driver against it. I dont think this is strictly necessary as you can right click the /inf file and click 'Install', but this just makes it easier and also easy to test.

rbd create volumes/test-disk --size 1G

We need to destory the VM, re-define it and boot it up again before the nova-compute agent notices. If we get the timing right the VM will boot from IDe and we'll be able to use the Openstack Web UI to get console access, login and install the drivers from the attach CD Once complete, hard reboot the VM using Openstack(Horizon or CLI), this will re-create the VM defintion XML

virsh destroy instance-0000087f && virsh define instance-0000087f.xml && virsh start instance-0000087f