Openstack Queens\Rocky - Glance: Create an image from an existing RBD volume

Seems like something that should be simple!

Step1 – Create the empty image

1glance image-create --container-format=bare --disk-format=raw  --min-ram 2048 --name="Windows Server test"
 2| Property         | Value                                |
 4| checksum         | None                                 |
 5| container_format | bare                                 |
 6| created_at       | 2020-07-14T03:37:29Z                 |
 7| disk_format      | raw                                  |
 8| id               | ca9bf831-df20-4c7c-884e-08e355e5a012 |
 9| locations        | []                                   |
10| min_disk         | 0                                    |
11| min_ram          | 2048                                 |
12| name             | 3CX - July 2020                      |
13| os_hash_algo     | None                                 |
14| os_hash_value    | None                                 |
15| os_hidden        | False                                |
16| owner            | ccd547784c804de99a63dd17dfb7ff15     |
17| protected        | False                                |
18| size             | None                                 |
19| status           | queued                               |
20| tags             | []                                   |
21| updated_at       | 2020-07-14T03:37:29Z                 |
22| virtual_size     | None                                 |
23| visibility       | shared                               |

Step 2 - If you haven't already done so, upload the image into ceph - Note the image must be in RAW format. Use qemu-img convert to convert the image from QCOW2 to RAW if required

To convert and import in one pass

1qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw inputfile.cqow2 rbd:images/outputfile.raw

To import an existing RAW image file

1rbp import -p images myimg.raw

Step 2 – Update the ‘location’ attribute

1glance location-add --url "rbd://b42a82f3-f493-49f4-98e0-2d355bbe8ee3/saspool/image-Windows2016v1/snap" 763a2ca2-e8f8-4bf9-974f-98d7020e200b

You’ll obviously need to ensure you have a protected snapshot of your image like so

1:~# rbd snap create saspool/image-Windows2016v1@snap
3:~# rbd snap protect saspool/image-Windows2016v1@snap
5:~# rbd snap ls saspool/image-Windows2016v1
318 snap 150 GB Thu Apr 26 13:24:30 2018

You’ll also need to ensure that show_multiple_locations = trueis set in glance-api.conf or you'll see something like this 403 Forbidden: It's not allowed to add locations if locations are invisible. (HTTP 403)