Quanta LB6M commands
From http://www.kontron.com/downloads/software/fastpath-configuration-guide-v1.2.pdf?product=89439
Example 2: Set Up VLAN Routing for the VLANs and the Switch.
The following code sequence shows how to enable routing for the VLANs:
1(Ethernet Fabric) #vlan database
2(Ethernet Fabric) (Vlan) #vlan routing 10
3(Ethernet Fabric) (Vlan) #vlan routing 20
4(Ethernet Fabric) (Vlan) #exit
5(Ethernet Fabric) #show ip vlan
This returns the logical interface IDs that will be used instead of slot/port in subsequent routing commands.
Assume that VLAN 10 is assigned ID 2/1 and VLAN 20 is assigned ID 2/2.
Enable routing for the switch:
1(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #config
2(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #ip routing
3(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #exit
The next sequence shows an example of conf iguring the IP addresses and subnet masks for the virtual router ports.
1(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #config
2(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #interface 2/1
3(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) (Interface 2/1) #ip address
4(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) (Interface 2/1) #exit
5(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #interface 2/2
6(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) (Interface 2/2) #ip address
7(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) (Interface 2/2) #exit
8(Ethernet Fabric) (Config) #exit
(S2) #ip ssh server enable
1(S2) #show spanning-tree mst port summary 0 all
3 STP STP Port
4Interface Mode Type State Role Desc
5--------- -------- ------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
60/1 Enabled Disabled Disabled
70/2 Enabled Disabled Disabled
80/3 Enabled Forwarding Root
90/4 Enabled Discarding Alternate
100/5 Enabled Disabled Disabled
110/6 Enabled Disabled Disabled
120/7 Enabled Disabled Disabled
130/8 Enabled Disabled Disabled
140/9 Enabled Disabled Disabled
150/10 Enabled Disabled Disabled
160/11 Enabled Disabled Disabled
170/12 Enabled Disabled Disabled
180/13 Enabled Disabled Disabled
190/14 Enabled Disabled Disabled
200/15 Enabled Disabled Disabled
1(S2) #show port all
3 Admin Physical Physical Link Link LACP Actor
4 Intf Type Mode Mode Status Status Trap Mode Timeout
5--------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ------ --------
60/1 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
70/2 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
80/3 Enable 10G Full 10G Full Up Enable Enable long
90/4 Enable 10G Full 10G Full Up Enable Enable long
100/5 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
110/6 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
120/7 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
130/8 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
140/9 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
150/10 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
160/11 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
170/12 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
180/13 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
190/14 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
200/15 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
210/16 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long
220/17 Enable 10G Full 10G Full Up Enable Enable long
230/18 Enable 10G Full Down Enable Enable long